Monday, February 23, 2015

Snow Day Update!

Hello Students and Parents!!! We are OUT for a SNOW DAY!!! I just wanted to use this opportunity to catch up on our blog, which I swore I would update weekly... (Sorry!)

Couple of housekeeping things for you and the kids to keep in mind:

  • Target Scores: I want each of the students that come through my door to know their target score for Math, so that they're able to have a personal goal to strive for. The target scores represent ONE YEAR OF GROWTH for each student. That is why it is their own personal goal to strive for! Each of my wonderful SCHOLARS deserves at least a year of growth! If you do not know your child's target score, please do not hesitate to e-mail me and I can send that information home again. 

  • Homework: Students have homework EACH WEEK. Monday through Thursday they have homework assignments that are spiraling through previously taught material. This is to keep the important things that we've already learned fresh on their minds! Please be sure to check their binder/backpack/folder each Monday to find out which problems they're to do each day. It is all on one page and not overwhelming, as it is only about 8-10 problems per day. 

  • Unfinished Classwork: Students are given plenty of time throughout our 100 minute block during math to finish any in-class assignments, but if they are not completed by the end of their block, the assignments then become homework, which is due at the beginning of the following class. 

Now... Down to the business of MATH!

We have been covering tons of material which has not been updated on this blog, and for that I deeply apologize. I want all parents to be aware of what is going on in each class on a weekly basis, so I will do better in updating this material for you to see each week! 

We have covered classifying 2-d shapes, including quadrilaterals, triangles, and other types of polygons. 

This is a basic "Polygon

This has a better breakdown of Triangle classification... 

We have covered input-output tables, additive and multiplicative patterns, and graphing in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane. 

This week, and next week, we will be covering data collection, interpretation, and representation. 

This next section (data) will include bar graphs, frequency charts, dot plots, stem and leaf plots, and line graphs (coordinate plane). (Just click the link to view the powerpoint that will be presented in class about data)

I hope that everyone is enjoying their extra time at home! See you all at school soon!