Monday, September 1, 2014

We made it!

We made it through the first week of school! YES! Throughout this past week, we've done lots of relationship building with our classmates and we have also started Unit 1. We've been adding and subtracting large numbers (4 and 5 digits) and we have also been working hard on rounding and estimation. There has been NO HOMEWORK this week!

There was also a competition between Mrs. Brennan's, Mrs. Pavy's and Miss Reynolds's classes in regards to behavior. The winners were.........Mrs. Brennan's homeroom class! They will receive their reward on Tuesday morning!

We are looking forward to a busy four day week, and will be continuing on with reviewing and learning new things. Everyone feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! :)

I hope that y'all have enjoyed the 3 day weekend and I look forward to seeing you Tuesday!

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