Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow Day Review!

With us being out for a "bad weather" day today, I just wanted to post a quick 20 question review for the students to practice, since we will be taking our summative assessment, since I know they're MISSING  MATH!! :)

Follow the link below to access the 3rd Quarter Review, so that math will be FRESH on everyone's minds tomorrow...
3rd Quarter Review

Also, please don't forget to look at classifying polygons and triangles on the previous post! This will be on the assessment as well.

Spring break is soooooo close, lets finish STRONG and rock this assessment.

Remind the students to bring their "A" game and remember our DEAL! (Don't know about our deal? Ask your child about bringing 100% and giving their all at school... there's a sweet reward after STAAR for those who stay focused and give it their all!)

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